
It comes in early September in the north, the second half of the same month in the central part and in late October in the south. The thermal level sharply decreases in autumn with strengthening impact of cold air masses penetrating from the north. Overcast weathers can be observed everywhere with precipitations and winds. The thermal level slumps in the most part of the steppe zone in October. The 00C transition weather recurrence reaches 55-60%. No frost weathers keep playing a leading role in October in the extreme west of the West Altai Piedmont (up to 55-60%). Due to further even quicker thermal level fall (90C, sometimes 100C compared to September), moderate freezing weathers become possible in the semi-desert zone in October. More precipitations occur. A semi-desert autumn is characterized by being long. It includes October and November according to its thermal mode and dominating weather types. More sunny and moderately humid weather in October is characteristic for the Chu River’s downstream areas and the Caspian shore where the occurrence of non-frost sunny weathers reach 70-80%. Sunny, hot and dry weathers still continue to play a significant role in the Kyzylkum Desert’s areas in October and November. The autumn in the mountainous areas in Kazakhstan is rainy and misty. Snow falls early here.

01-03-07 10:58:07

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