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NEWS - Congratulations with Nauryz Holiday!


Congratulations with Nauryz Holiday!

Nauryz Holiday appeared in far way time, when there was no modern religions and nations. Nauryz Holiday is one of the favorite holidays of our folk.

Nauryz – the day of nature renewal and accordingly for people it is the holiday of renovation and ablution. It calls people for soul purification, hatred purification, for forgiveness to people of their sins and evil. This day people open and clean out sources, springs, reservoirs, wells.

Nauryz symbolize universal equality.

Nauryz – the holiday of forgiveness – The Good forgive the Evil. It is the Holiday of charity, it call people for love and forgiveness of sins and offence. Help of strong to weak, wealthy to poor.

Nauryz – is the eternal holiday of nature and human unity.

Dear friends!

- With all our heart we wish you sound health, family well-being, the Good and happiness, joy of peaceful labor for the sake of own motherland - Republic of Kazakhstan prosperity.

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